(1) The excellence achieved through this Arete person was he was the first-sub-four minute mile runner. He had reached thus record with minimal training while practicing to become a junior doctor.
(2) This excellence was achieved when he became inspired by miler Sydney Wooderson's comeback in 1945. He started his running career at Oxford at the age of 17. In 1949, he improved in the 880 yards to 1:52.7 and won several mile races in 4.11. As his training grew as well as he did, he then was, on 6 1945 dyring a meet between British AAA and Oxford University and was in first place with finishing the final lap under 59 seconds.
(3) Technology was probably part of this arete experience by the use of stopwatches and tv to televise the event. Stopwatches was really important when it came to keeping track of each of the runners timing and knowing wher they need to improve on.
Reflection: I think Roger is a great example of not giving up even when he would always set himself new goals. Life is about living and learning that what roger is teaching us with his experience. All in all, Roger is a great example of what striving in life is regardless of what it can bring later.
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